Tuesday, August 5, 2014

summer is almost gone

Summer is almost gone.   Time sure does fly.  Don't forget.  I need ab pictures, titles, summaries and any assignments that you have not completed.  See you tonight

Sunday, April 27, 2014

I have tried many different format in my classes.  Most recently I created Facebook pages for my freshmen biology labs and then a group for future neuroscientists.  I found, much to my surprise, that many students did not "do" Facebook.  So in an attempt to be inclusive and not cause students to participate in something they do not participate in, Biology Research and Interns at CBU will form a blog group.  This blog will be about your journey into the research and if applicable internships.  In a similar manner to the MHIRT students, this summer you will be required to blog twice.  Once concerning your work in the lab experience and once about your journey.  Dr. Fitz